EISA Regional Forum 2022

eisa regional forum step 2022 workshop transparent democratic governance in africa

Regional Workshop on the Review of EISA’s “Benchmarks for Enhanced Political Party Performance for Democratic Governance in Africa”

Radisson Red Hotel, Johannesburg, South Africa

29-30 March 2022


Concept Note


EISA hosted a regional workshop for political parties from Great Lakes, east and Southern Africa region in order to review its “Benchmarks for enhanced political party performance for democratic governance in Africa”. The benchmarks were adopted in 2013 and were endorsed by many political parties across the continent. This workshop was an activity under The Supporting Transitions and Electoral Processes (STEP) programme funded by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID). The workshop
seeks to update the benchmarks, bearing in mind the emerging realities faced by political parties.


This workshop also sought to draw lessons learned from the implementation of the benchmarks as well as set the scene for the development of the upcoming revised benchmarks. The revised standards will be disseminated and implemented for further improved political party functioning. Therefore, the objectives of the workshop were to:

    • Promote experience sharing among political parties across the political divide.

    • Assess the implementation of the current benchmarks.

    • Suggest areas of improvement for the revision of these benchmarks.