Where We Work.

Central African Republic

Where We Work.

Central African Republic

The central African civil society is taking a substantial part to the reforms of the election legal framework, for inclusive and equitable provisions that uphold the electoral and political participation of underrepresented groups, namely women, the youth and the disabled.

As CAR is preparing to hold its first ever local elections since 1988, support to citizen voices, actions and initiatives is a key step toward an inclusive electoral process and a dynamic construction of a local governance and development narrative.

EISA is working to make sure that:

The electoral legislation ensures that each candidate’s lists competing for the upcoming municipal election is composed of at least 50% of women, to reflect the spirit of the Parity law voted in 2016.

The civil society has the capacity and resources to continuously contribute to credible elections and inclusive political processes, through election observation, recommendations, advocacy, and actions for change.

Local partners receive the necessary capacity building, technical support and knowledge transfer for a solid citizen action, voice and contribution in the promotion of sustainable democracy in CAR.

The 23 months project is called “Support for Electoral Reforms by Central African Civil Society” and is funded by the European Union. It includes 3 operational areas which are:

Citizen’s contribution to reforms for an improved electoral legislation

Support to local elections civic and voter education

Citizen observation of the 2024 or 2025 local elections

Our Goal.

Strengthen and promote democracy and inclusive democratic processes in the Central African Republic.

Project Objectives

Foster citizen action and contribution, through our local partner, the Reseau Arc-En-Ciel (a consortium of 15 local CSOs) to the promotion of credible and inclusive local elections. EISA’s action areas include capacity building and ongoing technical support to civil society on:

Advocacy and proposals for Reforms

Civic and voter Education

Citizen Election observation

Civil Society Action Towards Credible and Inclusive Voter Registration and Lists in CAR

After having successfully contributed to the adoption of a new and improved electoral code, civil society in the Central African Republic are building on this progress by supporting a credible and inclusive voter registration process for the upcoming municipal and regional elections that aims to leave no eligible citizen behind.

As CAR prepares to hold its first local government elections since 1988, citizen voices and actions offer a crucial contribution to a dynamic, credible and inclusive process. 

EISA is working to make sure that:

Citizen groups are equipped and supported technically to observe and evaluate significant and sensitive electoral milestones such as voter registration and list processes.

The electoral rights of underrepresented groups, namely women, the youth and persons with disabilities are considered.

Civil society has the capacity and resources to continuously contribute to credible elections and inclusive political processes through election observation, recommendations, proposals, and advocacy.

The media regulator has the capacity and resources to prevent disinformation, hate speech and other divisive initiatives that hamper elections.

The ‘Civil society action towards credible and inclusive elections in CAR’ is a seven month project made possible with the support from the European Union.

It includes 2 operational areas which are:

Support to the observation of the voter registration process

Support to ‘hope speech’ and the prevention of disinformation in elections

Project Objectives​

Encourage citizen and institutional actions and contributions in favor of credible and inclusive local elections. EISA’s areas of action include capacity building and continued technical support to civil society and the media regulator in CAR:

Observation and evaluation of registrations and electoral lists

Advocacy for inclusive elections

Disinformation monitoring and prevention

Networks & Partners

The implementing partners associated with CAR and its projects are:

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Latest News


Referentiel de Plaidoyer et d’action Civique de la Societe Civile Pour des Elections Locales Inclusives et Apaisees en Republique Centrafricaine
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Our Team

marie laure digbeu country director car scaled transparent democratic governance in africa
Ms. Marie Laure Digbeu
Country Representative
Bakary EISA CAR scaled transparent democratic governance in africa
Mr. Bakary Sidibe
Training and Programme officer International
KADIATOU TOURE scaled transparent democratic governance in africa
Kadiatou Toure
Finance and Administration Officer
davy sende transparent democratic governance in africa
Mr. Sende Côme Davy
Programme Officer
Lisette EISA CAR scaled transparent democratic governance in africa
Ms. Lisette Nday Toubila
National Finance and Administration Assistant

Contact Us

+236 72 51 84 98

Villa Curtis, Rue des Missions, 1er arrondissement Bangui, République Centrafricaine