EISA’s International Election Observation Team to the 2023 Presidential and Legislative elections has compiled a comparison data table whereby Biometric Voter Registration (BVR) figures for the years 2020 and 2023 were compared. The data reveals that, overall, more people have been registered with the BVR compared to the year 2020. From a total of 2 476 000 people in 2020, to 2 498 000 people in 2023. This shows an increase of 0.9 percent overall.

In eight of the twelve fifteen counties, there was a decrease in the number of people who have been registered for BVRusing the new BVR system. These include the counties of Bomi (-17.91%), Gbarpolu (-8.54%), Grand Bassa (-3.82%), Grand Gedeh (-7.23%), Grand Kru (-1.23), Lofa (-5.18%), River Gee (-7.53%) and Rivercess (-3.65%).
Monsterrado County, where the capital city of Monrovia is situated, has by far the highest number of registered BVR voters at 914 000, this is followed by Nimba county which, at 308 000 BVR registered voters., is a distant second. Liberia’s population is largely concentrated in a few populaced counties. The population is also distributed largely in the north and west of the country, while the south eastern counties are more sparsely populated.

In terms of gender, as of 2023, 50.43% of all BVR registered voters are male whereas 49.67% are female. Thus, there is roughly equal distribution in terms of registration. However, there were some anomalies. In Gbarpolu county, of the registered BVR voters, 43.53% were women whereas over 56% were men. Similarly, in Sinoe county, only 44.47% of the BVR registered voters were women whereas over 55% were men. EISA’s observers reported that the traditional roles of women and the times during which registration centers operated (09h00 – 17h00 daily) may have impacted these figures. A full breakdown of these figures can be seen here.