journal of african elections vol10 number 1 transparent democratic governance in africa

Mauritius: The Not So Perfect Democracy

Mauritius has come a long way since independence in 1968, when observers predicted that the ‘overcrowded barracoon’, as V S Naipaul referred to the island, would fail to achieve peace and economic prosperity. As a result of its success in managing diversity and capitalising on protected markets and guaranteed export prices Mauritius has emerged in […]

Electoral Reform in Southern Africa: Voter Turnout, Electoral Rules and Infrastructure

Elections are the most important elements of democracies and, with referenda, the only way to organise mass participation and to promote government accountability. Low voter turnout can be seen as an indicator of low legitimacy and limited political stability. The African Union, the Southern African Development Community and the New Partnership for Africa’s Development champion […]

Elections, Gender and Governance in Mauritius

The object of this paper is to explore the reasons for the under representation of women in the Mauritian legislature as well as to examine the implications for democratic governance of such under representation. It argues that although elections are necessary they are not sufficient to legitimise the state. The regularity and peacefulness of Mauritian […]

journal of african elections vol4 number 1 transparent democratic governance in africa

The Electoral Reform Process in Mauritius

This paper confirms the reputation of Mauritius as a stable country with a well entrenched multiparty democracy and parliamentary system, which, however, need deepening. Independent institutions as well as fair, transparent and credible election management processes ensure trust both internally and from external observers in Mauritian democracy and the credibility of the parliamentary and executive […]